Yes, it is true that cowboy boots are trending, but that does not mean you want to look like you came straight off a ranch. There are times when you want to blend a contemporary look with your love for all things cowboy. The following are a few tips to help you do just that.
Un-Cowboy it Up
There is nothing wrong with wanting to pull off a Western look, but sometimes that could look a little costumey. One way you can wear cowboy boots in a modern way is to simply use them as your accent. Meaning, stay away from flannel shirts and suede vests.

Give it Street Cred
Cowboy boots can be mixed with all sorts of styles, and you have to be bold with your choices. One thing people won’t see coming is a blend between streetwear and cowboy boots. There are all sorts of looks you can pull off, like wearing a t-shirt with street flare and some jeans.
Boho Works Well
Another interesting way to wear your cowboy boots is to make it work with a bohemian look. In essence, you want to channel that poet look with your cowboy boots. What you want to go for is sleek clothes, something a little dark that has an artistic bent to it. This reinvents the way you wear cowboy boots, and it makes you look fashion-forward.
A Little Grunge
There is another style that works with cowboy boots that is quite contemporary: the grunge look. Most of the time, this look is accompanied by sneakers, but that doesn’t have to be the case. A good pair of cowboy boots can make this style shine in a whole new way. Yes, this particular style is a little dated, but bringing it back makes you look cool.
Get Hipster With It
Huge beards, vintage clothing, and cowboy boots can look amazing. All you have to do is try them out together and create something new. Part of what makes the hipster look seem so modern is this group of individuals are not afraid of blending styles, fashion trends, and their own personal touch.
Bring it All Forward
There are times when you want to honor your cowboy love completely, but you also do not want to look too country. This seems like a problem, but the reality is you can solve it by thinking outside the box a bit. Why not draw inspiration from cowboy styles and adapt them into new things. Instead of wearing a cowboy hat why not trade it for a fedora. Do the same with other items you love, and see what you come up with.
High Fashion
Those who love high fashion may want to consider blending both styles together. You are going to look like a million bucks, and you’ll be strutting your cowboy boots along with you. The great thing about high fashion is that it is meant to assimilate to your overall look, so all you have to do is give it a shot.

Hopefully, some of these tips help you look your best and not so country even though you are wearing your favorite cowboy boots. You can talk to a stylist to help you figure out what other looks you can pull off.